The first step. As is almost always the case is to run an Nmap scan on the host to discover which services are running: root@kali:~/Documents/haystack# nmap -A -oN scan Starting Nmap ...

HackTheBox: Haystack

HackTheBox: Writeup
this post describes the process of finding the user and root flags in HackTheBox Writeup machine. So as always start with an Nmap scan to discover which services are running. # Nmap 7.70 scan init...

HackTheBox: Luke
The first step, as always, Is to Nmap the host to identify running services: Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.042s latency). Not shown: 65464 closed ports, 66 filtered ports PORT ...

HackTheBox: Bastion
The first step is to Nmap the machine to find which services are running: root@kali://root/Documents/bastion# cat scan # Nmap 7.70 scan initiated Wed Aug 7 10:36:31 2019 as: nmap -A -oN scan -p-...

HackTheBox: Netmon
This is the second machine i have completed on HackTheBox. I started with the Access machine. So the first step to the perform an Nmap scan to see what kind of services the machine is running: nm...

HackTheBox: Access
I should preface this by saying that this machine took me about 6 hours to complete overall. I went down a couple of rabbit holes i didn’t need to go down and the final solution was much simpler th...

HackTheBox Invite Code
The following is a writeup on the process used to get the invite code for HackTheBox HackTheBox is a great website which contains pentesting labs to develop your security skillset. To create an ac...

nMap Visulisation
Introduction I have written a quick and dirty python script to visualise results from nMap and masscan. It works by parsing the XML log from a scan and generates a visual representation of the IP ...

Memcache Scanner Interactions
On the 5th March 2018 the worlds biggest DDOS attack was reported against a US based service provider. The DDos had a bandwidth of 1.7Tbps and was achieved using mis-configured Memcache servers. Me...

NTP Amplification Discovery
Introduction NTP amplification attacks are a form of DDOS which use NTP servers to turn small requests into large responses which can be directed to the victims computer. NTP amplification makes ...